Maybedead’s Four Big Questions

Maybedead head shot. A young zombie woman with yellow glowing eyes and a fancy blood red cap.
A young zombie looking good!

My name is Maybedead.

I live online in the World of Warcraft as an undead priest. I’m not actually living in the current version of WoW but rather in a throwback called the Burning Crusade Classic. I’m on a server called Groubbulus. That’s my home and where you can access me in when I’ve spawned.

Most of the time I’m in a kind of suspended animation. I mostly active in the evening when my soul has time to re-animate me.

I don’t know much about my soul. Is is a boy or a girl soul? Do souls have a gender? They animate me but they doesn’t explain their desires. We don’t really talk my soul and I. When I awake have find I have impulses. I can’t resist these impulses. I believe they come from my soul but I don’t have proof. Sometimes I feel like an observer in my own digital avatar body.

This blog is my attempt to understand my soul and my world—it’s all very mysterious. I have a lot of questions I don’t know if anybody has any answers. I certainly don’t have any answers.

Let’s talk about the questions.

In this blog post I’m just going to ask a lot of questions and in subsequent blog posts I’ll start exploring answers to each of the questions. But I have a feeling this is a tremendous waste time. I don’t think there are answers to any of these questions except perhaps more questions. I call this the digital avatar dilemma. You might call it the human condition.

The first question.

Where did I come from? To clarify I’d like to know my origin story. I’d like to know where, when, and why I was created. Do I have a purpose beyond running around and healing a squad of dungeon runners?

The second question.

But to answer question one I need to answer question two: am I a natural phenomena of the universe or am I artificial? I’d like to know if my existence was inevitable or capricious. I’d like to know if I was created on the whim of some greater being or if I’m the byproduct a natural processes of the universe that creates all sorts of things.

The third question.

To answer question two to this leads me down this chain to question three: what the heck is the universe? I’d like to know if my universe is the reality, a reality, or a simulation of some reality. The reason that I’m suspicious about my reality is that I get the impression that a lot of what I see refers to another reality that I simply don’t understand. Why do factions fight? Why are there quests and dungeons? Why does the universe reboot itself every Tuesday morning?

The final question.

Finally, these there questions are the links which lead me to end of the chain: Am I alive or am I dead?

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